Update: Votes are in. The cover for Enticed by the Gargoyle will be…
Drum roll…
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I’m having a difficult time deciding between the blue and gold for book 2 in the series, Enticed by the Gargoyle. I love them both! I need your vote. Which do you prefer?
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Definitely blue! Yep, I think the blue goes best. Plus it’s one of my favorite colors ?
Thanks, Jennifer. I’m so torn between the two–I like them both!
Absolutely the blue!!
The blue. It is more of an attention getter.
In comparing the covers side by side I vote for blue.
Blue definitely.
Blue please it gives it distinction plus I love it too. Hope this helps.
Most definitely Blue!
Blue seems to be in the lead so far.
Gold, Gold, GOLD!!! ?
I love the gold.
Blue! It goes with the other two colors phenomenally. I love the gold too and it stands out on its own but as a set definitely the the blue. 🙂
Good point. I’m so torn between the two.
I love the gold. It’s more striking to me.
Love the blue!
I love the gold, but if you are going for the set it’s got to be blue.
Gold. Just because it stands out. It reaches out and grabs you. I love it.
Blue is perfect I think the gold clashes a little
I like the gold
Well, first off – COOL COVERS! They ALWAYS catch my eye!
I like both, but I think that blue flows better between the red & purple. Maybe the gold could bridge from the purple book to the one after… red, blue, purple, gold, ?green or silver… Just a thought! 🙂
Cheers! xoxoxo
Blue. Definitely blue.
Blue’s okay, but I love the gold! Just enhance the ab/muscle definition a tiny bit–kinds of ‘bleeds out’ otherwise.
I like them both, but the gold jumps out at you. I’d definitely notice it on the book shelves, where I might not notice the blue.
I love the blue.
I like both. But, the gold really stands out to me..so gokd. Good luck!
I like the blue more.
I think the gold goes best. The blue is a cool color while the others are warmer colors. I think the gold is warm too so it looks like part of a set while the blue stands apart from them. If that makes sense.
BLUE! Definitely blue, gold looks a bit washed out…
Love the books. By the way ?
The gold caught my attention.
Blue, for sure!
I love the Gold.
Definitely GOLD.
I love the blue!
Blue 🙂
I vote for the blue cover
With the 2 red tones I prefer the blue. The gold makes the cover more “precious” – it does not feel equal any more.
Go for Blue, it is both cool and warm.
Definetly blue!
BLUE! LOL! I really love the blue cover best, want blue!!
Best stop this or you will be sick of me already but blue it really is vol 2 ‘s cover easy choice!
Normally I’d say blue but in this combination I am simply drawn to the GOLD one.
I like the blue best I mean I like gold too but the blue seems to fit better in context.
love them both but gold you can see better
Gold stands out much more and draws the eye. Blue fits in better with the overall colour scheme. I do prefer Gold though.
Blue all the way. It’s easier to read and goes better with the other two colored covers.
In order placed blue looks great ..although gold on its own will be fabulous
Definitely Blue.
I love both but I’d go with the blue purely for the fact that it fits between the other two better colour wise. Gold would work better if the next cover wasn’t purple ?
Blue, no doubt!
Blue,it fits in with the other 2 covers better,though the gold is pretty,maybe it could be used on a different cover?
If it’s a secret you don’t have to say,but I can tell by the covers that this story will also take place in Boston,but I’m wondering will the gargoyle be one that we met in bk 1 because our hero in bk 1 interacted with some of the other gargoyles,just curious lol
Hmm… You’ll find out soon, Sharon, lol!
i love them both, but will go with the gold
I like the Gold!!!!
I like both but lean towards the gold.
I would do Red, Gold, and Blue(instead of purple). Or if you insist on the Purple, then Red, Blue, Purple.
The Blue definitely seems more appropriate color for the book.
My vote is for gold
Blue 🙂
Go for the GOLD!
Gold for me
Love the blue!
I love blue but the gold really pops more. Go for the gold!
I think the gold looks better. You could always use the blue on another cover.
Blue! 😉
Blue definitely!
I’d say Blue. It blends well with the other two covers. The gold is a little harsh for me.
Blue – definitely.
I love both! Blue is my favorite color, but in this instance, I think the gold one not only compliments the others, but also enhances and evokes the feel of the word “enticed”. But you really can’t go wrong with either cover.
Blue, especially if the last is (will be? I’m sorry I’ve not read your work yet, but I’m hoarding it) really purple…after all, isn’t purple made of red and blue? My eyes find it utterly pleasing.
Blue gets my vote
Gold for sure! Can’t wait to read it!
Definitely blue. It just seems to meld well with the other two books.
I like both, nice covers all around to be honest. But the gold just looks better to me.
Being blue is my favorite color, I would say blue, but the gold is very nice too. Blue blends well with the other colors, but than the gold makes it a nice addition, adds warmth/depth to the cover, either color makes a statement.
oh yeah the blue
Both look awesome but looking at the three together, I like the Gold better.
Blue, definitely blue
The Gold . Since it is coming out at this wonderful fall weather . Yeah hard choice cause I like blue also .
But everyone likes blue . I feel you should like what stands out , looks more the grab me color .
You do nice covers anyway .
The Gold cover attracted my attention first
I love the gold
I’m going BLUE!
Blue-flows better in the set. Then gold then green, because purple, gold and green make me think of Mardi Gras.
Gold for me
To me the gold is more “enticing”, so it fits better. But both colors do look really good.
I like the GOLD!!!!
If you think of them as royal colors then blue goes best.
The blue flows more smoothly with the other two colours. The Gold clashes with the red. Definitely blue!
Love both, blue is my fav color but I lean towards gold as a come closer, invite me into your warmth.
Gold definitely the blue gets used a lot and gets boring after awhile so why not do something different.
I love the blue
Blue cover!
I just love the gold!!!
I think the blue looks better
The blue definitely!
Blue, it flows better with the red and purple.
The gold is pretty, but I don’t think it looks as nice for series flow.
Definitely BLUE
Most definitely GOLD!!
Blue fits better with the other two book colors. Plus, the text is easier to read, imo.
Blue definitely makes the cover pop out!
The blue is best.
I love gold but in this case the Blue is much better at catching the eye.
I like the blue.
I personally love the gold it’s inviting and since it’s getting cooler where I am it makes me think of warmth
I personally love the gold it’s inviting and since it’s getting cooler where I am it makes me think of a nice fire
Gold looks best.
I like them both but I think the blue looks a little better then the gold.
I prefer the Gold.
Blue this time and use Gold the next time.
I’m tempted to keep going with the series, so I don’t have to choose. 😀
Definitely the blue!
Blue for sure