Redeeming Raygan by Megan Slayer
Zero, Ohio ~ book 5
MM, Contemporary Romance
From Decadent Publishing
Two rough endings can equal one hot beginning.
Raygan Mason is done with love. After plenty of failed relationships, he wants nothing of the emotion. He’s broken inside and believes he’s not worthy of redemption…until he meets a man named after a car. Then his structured, but closed off world gets turned upside down.
Jamie “Jeep” Grusin isn’t big on love, either. Fresh out of a marriage filled with cheating and lies, he’s not looking for another partner. The writer wants a fresh start and is told Zero will cure what ails him. He’s not convinced…until he ends up at Eight Ball bar.
Can two men who think they are totally wrong for each other find out that redemption and a new start is so right?
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Copyright ©2014 Megan Slayer
He drove nearly the length of the main street before he spotted the bar. The gigantic eight ball wasn’t lit, but there were lights on within the building.
“This must be the place. Jeep pulled into the parking lot, then stopped. He grabbed his wallet, phone and notebook. He refused to be anywhere without a paper and pen.
The bell dinged as he headed into the bar. Two men stood behind the counter.
“Sorry, buddy,” the black-haired man said. “We’re closed.”
The taller man shrugged. “Bobby, lock the main door. We can go out the back when we’re done. One patron won’t hurt anything, but I don’t want a group coming in.” The man turned his attention to Jeep. “What’ll you have?”
“Uh—” He’d always known what to say in every situation, but not now. Looking at the brown-haired man twisted Jeep’s tongue. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Which one of you has a place for me to stay?” Holy shit. What an unintentional come-on!
Both men froze. Jeep knew exactly what he’d said and wished he could’ve taken it back. He scratched his forehead. Shit. He needed to unlearn that bad habit. Still, the nervous gesture gave him time to think.
“I meant, I’m new in town and need a place to rent for the next few nights. My publisher, Nelson Vickers, told me someone here has a place for me to stay. I need it while I’m writing.”
“You must be looking for Sam,” the black-haired man said. “He’s got half a duplex.”
“Yeah.” Jeep nodded. “Him. Which one of you are him?” Hopefully the taller guy was the man he needed to see. He wouldn’t mind spending some quiet time with the handsome man.
“Neither. This is Bobby and my name is Raygan. Sam, the one you’re looking for, works at the community center. It’s closed now, but I’d be willing to bet he’ll help you in the morning.” Raygan placed a coaster on the bar top. “Want a beer?”
About the Author:
When she’s not writing the stories in her head, Megan Slayer can be found luxuriating in her hot tub with her two vampire Cabana boys, Luke and Jeremy. She has the tendency to run a tad too far with her muse, so she has to hide in the head of her alter ego, but the boys don’t seem to mind.
When she’s not obsessing over her whip collection, she can be found picking up her kidlet from school. She enjoys writing in all genres, but writing about men in love suits her fancy best. The cabana boys are willing to serve, unless she needs them. She always need them. So be nice to Javier or he will bite–on command.
She also masquerades under the name Wendi Zwaduk and is published through Ellora’s Cave, Changeling Press, Decadent Publishing , Liquid Silver Books, MLR Press, Resplendence Publishing, and Total-E-Bound Publishing.
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