I’d like to welcome my friend, Shari Elder, here today. Shari is sharing her new release, Shifter Trials.
What’s hot: Seriously buff vampire with a secret, oozing enough dominance to win a female alpha.
Thank you so much for hosting me. I’m thrilled to be here and have the chance to share my story. Shifter Trials is a modern day rewrite of the Atalanta myth, the strong Greek woman who would only marry the man who beat her in a foot race. In this case, Talia is an alpha shifter, and Hayden is her vampire trainer. Put them together, turn up the heat and watch what happens.
Shifter Trials
On the night of the full moon, any male shifter can call the Trials to race against Talia Orion, alpha of the united wolf-eagle clans. Clan law requires Talia to marry the winner of the Trials, a grueling twenty-mile marathon through dangerous, rugged terrain. The product of an unhappy, political alliance masquerading as a marriage, Talia trains obsessively to ensure she avoids her parents’ fate. Her newest vampire trainer, Hayden Mitchell, makes her powerful even as he knocks down her defenses, and finds his way, first, into her bed then into her heart.
Hayden has loved Talia since the first moment he saw her. As the destined ruler of the vampire clan, he has another agenda – to politically unite Talia’s clans with his own—what Talia fears most, and will never forgive him for.
Buy Links
Evernight http://www.evernightpublishing.com/shifter-trials- by-shari-elder/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/29qHlqg
All Romance https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-shiftertrials-2069672- 340.html
About Shari Elder
By day, Shari Elder saves cities. By night, she builds them—on Saturn’s rings, under a lilac bush, in a coral reef – then packs them full of shifters, vampires, Olympian gods, extra-terrestrials or whatever else comes into her head. In all these wondrous worlds, romance and passion blossom, since she cannot resist writing a happy ending, especially for those who have given up on ever getting one. Now that’s satisfaction.
Raised on science fiction and fantasy, fueled by coffee and red wine, Shari writes early in the morning, late at night, and in between crises at home. She lives, contentedly albeit crazily, with her teen-age daughter, teen-age dog, and the elderly cat who rules the roost. Shari loves co-creating stories and ideas, so the blog comment section is always open.
Find Shari
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shari-Elder- Stories-541817856021514/
Twitter: @ShariEStories
Blog: www.theothershari.wordpress.com
Thanks so much for hosting me. Glad to be here.
Congrats on the new release!