Christmas in Alaska

Christmas in Alaska

All I want this Christmas is solitude.

It will be my first holiday without my parents, and I don't have it in me to celebrate. Instead, I book a trip to Alaska to spend time alone in a cozy cabin.

My city girl abilities are tested when I attempt to start a fire in the fireplace and the cabin fills with smoke.

In bursts a scowling Luc--a ruggedly attractive caretaker who accuses me of trespassing.

Once I assure Luc I rented this cabin, he helps me get settled in and prepared for the storm on Christmas Eve. He's a retired Marine who plans to ride out the holidays like they're just another day.

I ask him to go to a winter festival in town. It might be my only chance to see the town before I'm snowed in. Will this grumpy mountain man join me?

Can two lost souls who want to skip Christmas cheer let a little of its magic into their hearts?

Ebook at Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited

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